We are always ready to get fresh ideas and motivation from those that see the vision. You can donate funds towards an existing plan in one of the exciting initiatives or simply give to grow our general fund. Your contribution is very appreciated.
Your experience and expertise is invaluable and we can always use you to teach, motivate and organize our operations and events. If you want to help us to achieve our initiatives, we will forever be grateful and we guarantee you, a life will be changed thanks to you.
how your time & money is used.
Tukole’s success depends on the professionals that play a crucial role in running this organization. Our staff is the heart, mind, and soul of this operations and we recruit not only the best in the business but also seek to form a multi-talented team that stays in sync over the years.
We understand, and value, the essential contributions Tukole can make to our community—from caring for our parents, to educating our children, to supporting the less fortunate, and more. That's why we are committed to supporting your mission with strategic investment solutions.
Our communication strategy helps build a loyal client base, improve revenue generation, and powers us towards steady growth. We especially prioritize how we manage crisis times by building and implementing strategies that require forethought.
Receiving donor funds is a great responsibility and one we do not take lightly. Tukole has had an open books policy since inception and any member can review the accounting data as available.
The accounting team performs monthly reconciliations due ten days after the end of the month. These files are available for review by any member of Tukole at any time. These files can be found on the Tukole server which can be accessed using the Tukole membership access details.
At the membership requests, external auditors can review the Tukole accounting data in order to ascertain accuracy of the presented details. This audit is also performed every three years as prescribed in the Tukole articles of association.