
Welcome to TBN

TBN stands for Tukole Business Network. TBN is owned and managed in partnership with its members who have a common goal to create wealth and grow business operations by or in relation to the diaspora. Membership is open to all people regardless of race, tribe, gender, political affiliation, religion or job status. A member of TBN is a person or entity admitted to membership after registration in accordance with the TBN’s by-laws. TBN uses Ntare Consulting as the operational manager of this program performing functions such as setting up meetings, marketing and accounting services at no cost.

The main goal for the TBN is to promote each other with the idea that these collective actions will raise the proverbial economic tide for all those that participate. We are duty bound to collaborate at all times over competing.

Objectives of a TBN include but are not limited to:

  1. Organize, promote the welfare and economic interests of its members

  2. Provide a source of fair funding and reasonable avenue for loans

  3. Promote personal growth through the introduction of new products and services that will promote the economic base of its members

  4. Ensures progress of its members and society through continuous education programs, on proper use of credit, reduction of poverty, human dignity and collaboration

  5. Affiliation to the relevant community leaders, lenders and financing options.


TBN is Not

  1. Individually owned by a group of people, but by all members who join the TBN. Membership is closed to members and cannot be transferred

  2. A "Pyramid Scheme" or “Dimaryp” as investments occur on a project by project basis and commingling of funds is not allowed.

  3. An agent subsidiary, franchise or branch of a company or financial services entity.

  4. A loan provider

  5. A profit-making organization.


The difference between an Investment Group and the TBN

The Tukole Business Network is an open association created to foster collaboration between businesses and individuals that wish to partner on investments both in the US and in Uganda. It serves as platform to combine all available resources, gather knowledge and perform research functions by attracting visionaries to create sustainable business plans and crowd source funding.



1.       How does TBN make money?

TBN activities are directly funded by donations from members – TBN does not directly engage in business but rather creates opportunities by attracting individuals and businesses into collaborative activities. TBN is also funded by proceeds of Ntare Consulting operations that directly source from TBN activities.


2.       How does TBN work?

TBN creates activities and meetings for its members to join in finding ways in which business deals can be executed. At these meetings, business ideas are discussed, research is presented, and investment is created.

These investments can be internally funded by crowdfunding with Ntare Consulting acting as the agent; in most cases, a limited partnership will be created with all laws and compliance requirements being met.


3.       What is the rate of return on these investments?

TBN investments range from 6 months to three years and range in seed funding needed from $5,000 to $100,000 only. All investments are welcome to be discussed as members may wish to participate outside of TBN capacities.


Why we need TUKOLE


The 3 Es of TUKOLE